
How to report fraud or crime online

Crimes on the Internet are growing and no one is safe from suffering one, that is why we are going to explain how to report fraud or crime on the Internet.

Any person who connects to the Internet , whether from home or through their mobile phone, is susceptible to fraud or crime on the Internet , and it is necessary that we all collaborate in pursuing it , since these cases can be reported to through the Telematic Crimes Group of the Civil Guard.

How to report a crime on the internet to the Civil Guard

This group of the Civil Guard offers two possibilities to report a crime on the Internet:

– to report anonymously using a form where the requested data is filled out.

– to  formally report , so you must identify yourself and fill out a written complaint online, to print it and deliver it to the appropriate place.

Therefore, if you believe that you have been a victim of a crime , you must report it so that the facts can be investigated ; For which you must fill out a complaint form with all the necessary information, such as identifying information, such as address, contact information and company name, if applicable.

In this document you must also report the facts that you want to report in a chronological and clear manner , and attach, if you have them, documents or objects that prove the fact that you are reporting.
A document will be generated in PDF format , which you can download and present to make the relevant complaint in a court or police center , proving your identity with your ID or passport.

Once the complaint is filed, the Agents in charge of the investigation will forward it to the Judge so that he can order the pertinent investigation.

It is important to note that if you file a complaint, but then do not present it to the Police or the court,  it will be of no use, since the information will be lost.

All complaints will be read and evaluated, and may give rise to criminal investigations; others, however, will be discarded. They will contact you if they consider it necessary by phone or email.

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